Success has a name Jesus Christ!

Success has a name Jesus Christ!

This book is based on real events. Christ lives! This is the great truth that these lovingly written lines seek to convey, for nothing is as true as what is written in the most widely read book in the world, the Bible. In this superficial world, far too little is said about people who have experienced real miracles through their spiritual conversion to Jesus Christ, although it is now known that many of the world's celebrities also acknowledge their success in faith. Having had the good fortune to know some of them personally, I have been fascinated by the fact that most of them have become successful in all areas after the deepest falls in their lives. Especially today, many people dream of easy success the system teaches us that we don't need God for that. But today, I can testify that without Jesus Christ in our lives, we cannot experience the true core of success that God has in store for each one of us.
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Detalles del producto
Success has a name Jesus Christ!
narrado por:
ISBN Audio:
Fecha de publicación:
5 de agosto de 2024
5 hrs 42 min
Tipo de producto
Audio drama:
Sobre el autor:
Tamara Demontis, 47 years old is a multiple entrepreneur with an imperfect but charming Italian-German language mix. She is a nature lover and describes herself as a full-blooded Italian and a passionate "mamma." In 2019, she lost both her breasts due to illness. After the mastectomy, she suffered from extreme silicone bleeding due to extreme silicone bleeding - her breast was severely disfigured. The author has successfully fought back in all areas of her life and found her way back to God in this difficult period of her life through her close relationship with Jesus Christ. Today, she is a proud follower of Jesus Christ.