- Audiolibro
- 2022
- 11 hrs 31 min
- Narr Francke Attempto Verlag
Teaching English
This lively audiobook in a pleasant female voice with a charming British accent appeals to students who like to complement their reading of the book with listening – or simply missed the lecture. Watching the PowerPoint presentations online while listening facilitates multimodal learning.
This audiobook also serves a lecture-oriented flipped classroom and complements other introductions to teaching English as a foreign language because the 12 lectures offer an accessible and up-to-date introduction.
Definitions and practical examples guide the understanding and reflection of basic and advanced concepts of foreign language learning.This introduction responds to new developments in language education: (1) Recent policies from the Kultusministerkonferenz and updates of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages with its Companion Volume (2020) pay more attention to language awareness, mediation, and media literacy. (2) New empirical research explores the aims, methods, and impact of professional teacher education, Task-Based Language Teaching, and Content-and-Language-Integrated Learning. (3) The dramatic need for online teaching has met with refined concepts of multimodal media competence and cutting-edge tools for the digital classroom. The audiobook is also available as aprinted book and ebook, PowerPoint presentations are provided online. Thus multimodal teaching and learning is facilitated.
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Detalles del producto
Teaching English
narrado por:
ISBN Audio:
Fecha de publicación:
24 de julio de 2022
Palabras clave:
Teaching English as a Foreign LanguageIntroductionTEFLconstructivismdifferentiationempiricismoutput-orientationintercultural learningtranscultural learningmultimediaAdditional MaterialFachdidaktikEnglischdidaktikGrammatikvermittlungWortschatzvermittlungEmpirical ResearchLanguage awarenessclassroom managementmultimodalKultusministerkonferenztransdisciplinaryContent-and-Language-IntegratedstrategiesTask-BasedcompétencescoursebookTeachinggrammar
11 hrs 31 min
Tipo de producto
Audio drama:
Sobre el autor:
Prof. Dr. Michael Meyer lehrt am Institut für Anglistik der Universität Koblenz.
Prof. Dr. Laurenz Volkmann lehrt am Institut für Anglistik/Amerikanistik der Universität Jena.
Nancy Grimm ist Referentin für Medienbildung am Brandenburger Landesinstitut für Schule
und Medien.