New Adult

New Adult

New Adult Romance is a genre that focuses on characters typically between the ages of 18 and 25, exploring themes of self-discovery, first serious relationships, and personal growth. These stories often involve college life, early careers, and more mature romantic experiences, blending emotional depth with themes of love, identity, and independence. It bridges the gap between Young Adult and more mature, adult romance.
Zur Listenansicht wechseln:
The Boyfriend Candidate
Meet Me Under The Stars
Belladaire Academy of Athletes - Liars
Belladaire Academy of Athletes - Misfits
Blackwell Palace. Risking it all
Vor uns das Rauschen des Meeres
Belladaire Academy of Athletes - Rivals
Dreamland Billionaires - Terms and Conditions
Like Feathers We Fly
Songs for the Beautiful
Love Unwritten – Lakefront Billionaires
Dreamland Billionaires - Final Offer
Burning Love
Say It With A Love Song - GU New Adult
Fool Me Once
This could be love - Roman
Play me, Baby!
Actually Yours
Window Shopping - Eine weihnachtliche Versuchung
Wo der Regen uns berührt
Match Point
Love Redesigned – Lakefront Billionaires
Dating and other Theories. Wenn der präziseste Plan zum romantischen Verhängnis wird
Forever Never
True Colors
Darling Venom – Ihre Liebe ist sein Lieblingsgift
Part of Your World
My Hot British Boyfriend
Beyond the Play 1: First Down
Yours, Truly
Practice Makes Perfect
Dreamland Billionaires - The Fine Print
Golden Bay − How it Feels
American Roommate Experiment – Die große Liebe findet Platz in der kleinsten Wohnung
The Fiancé Dilemma – Aller guten Dinge sind fünf
Carrie Soto is back
P. S. I Hate You
Malibu Rising
The Soulmate Equation – Sie glaubt an die Macht der Zahlen, bis er ihr Ergebnis ist
Die sieben Männer der Evelyn Hugo
Know Us 1. Know me again. June & Kian
Mr Wrong Number
Glow Like Northern Lights
Unlock my Heart
Done and Dusted
Things We Left Behind (Knockemout 3)
Vor uns die Dämmerung
The Unhoneymooners – Sie können sich nicht ausstehen und fliegen gemeinsam in die Flitterwochen
Golden Heritage
The True Love Experiment – Sie sucht im Fernsehen nach Mr Right, dabei steht er hinter der Kamera
The Right Move
WHISPERS. Die Wahrheit wird dich zerstören
Falling Hard for the Royal Guard. Eine königliche Liebeskomödie (ungekürzt)
Magnolia Parks
When in Rome
Funny Story
Mile High
Westwell - Heavy & Light
Twisted Games
Lonely Heart
The Deal – Reine Verhandlungssache
Spanish Love Deception – Manchmal führt die halbe Wahrheit zur ganz großen Liebe
Things We Never Got Over (Knockemout 1)
The Story Between us (Storys-Reihe 1)
The Moment I Fell For You
Stronger Than Ever
Flirting in the Endzone - Eine Fake Dating, New Adult Sports Romance
Lessons in Faking
Today I'll steal his heart
The Dating Game
Finde mich. Jetzt (Finde-mich-Reihe 1)
Where the Roots Grow Stronger (Shetland-Love-Reihe 1)
This is Our Time (Hollywood Dreams 1)
Today I'll talk to him
Feels like Love (Feels-like-Reihe 1)
Burning Bridges (ungekürzt)
Pretty Scandalous - Heißer als Rache
Dreams Made of Gold
Catching up with the Carters – In your eyes (Catching up with the Carters, Band 1)
Broken Heart Summer - Sunset Days
Still missing you
Speed Me Up
Maple-Creek-Reihe, Band 1: Meet Me in Maple Creek
The Moment I Fell For You
nonStop loving the Boss
Was wir in uns sehen
New Beginnings: Roman (Green Valley Love 1)
College of Arts
Don´t play with me - New Adult Romance Hörbuch
Colorado College Varsity New Adult Eishockey Reihe