- Hörbuch
- 2018
- 5 Std 19 Min
- Lynen Media GmbH
Deep Alpha Meditation - Pathways to Deep Relaxation
Have you ever stopped for a minute and felt completely relaxed? With the wonderful feeling that everything will be fine in the end? That's exactly what the Alpha state is.
It is easy to reach this heavenly state, even for absolute beginners. Just pick a suitable program from this audiobook, put on your headphones and breathe in and out deeply to slow down your breathing. You will be whisked away into a pleasantly relaxed state in no time.
The method is based on the basic research of the German physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. He found out that certain sounds can put our brains into a relaxed state using audio resonance. Here is a simple example: When you strike a tuning fork and then place another one next to it, the second tuning fork automatically begins to vibrate at exactly the same frequency. That's exactly what happens with BRAIN ENTRAINMENT. We stimulate our brainwaves with a low fundamental frequency. The music feels as if it gently caresses our heads from the inside. What an incredible feeling.
All seven tracks (each lasting 45 minutes) in this premium audiobook vary between 8 and 13 hertz and contain the exact same accumulation of deep Alpha impulses. This area is commonly associated with relaxation and contemplation, but Alpha waves can also excellently foster creative work, learning and the arts.
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Deep Alpha Meditation - Pathways to Deep Relaxation
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ISBN Audio:
27. Dezember 2018
pathways to deep relaxationrelax cdMeditation CDMusic for meditation cdbackground music wellnessMassage background musicrelaxation cdHealing Musicwellness musicSounds wellnessSoundscapes wellnessBrainwave Synchronization Soundscapes for MeditationMeditation musicDeep AlphaDeep DeltaSounds for HealingMusic for healingHealing SoundsSteve HalpernDeep Theta MusicTheta Music Brain EntrainmentBrainwave EntrainmentBrainwave SynchronizationSoundscapes for meditationsoundscapes for healingsoundscapes for inner peaceInner Peacehealing music cdAlpha stateDelta Statebrainwave musicMusic for Brain Entrainmentpleasantly relaxed statein no timeaudio resonanceIsochronic Tonesbinaural beatsaudiobook isochronicbinaural audiobookbinaural beatisochronic toneBrain EntrainmentBrainwavebrainwave stimulationSound HealingHealing by soundHealing by the speed of soundspeed of soundmusix to relaxRelaxation Musicmusic for meditationmeditation soundscapeisochronic tones audiobookbinaural beats audiobooknervousBurnoutBurn outhelp burnouthelp burn outmusic for yogamusic for reikimusic qigongmusic for qi gongyoga teacheryoga soundscapesreiki soundscapesstimulation brainwaves
5 Std 19 Min
Über den Autor:
Yella A. Deeken is a passionate musician, yoga teacher and globetrotter. Since 2004, she has been traveling around the world as a "digital nomad", working with audio experts and scientists to create powerful audiobooks that touch, inspire and change the lives of many people.
- Compassioner.com