Feeling Better

Feeling Better

Mindfulness meditation involves sitting silently and paying attention to thoughts, sounds, the sensations of breathing or parts of the body, bringing your attention back whenever the mind starts to wander. Yoga and tai-chi can also help with developing awareness of your breathing.
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Feeling Better
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ISBN Audio:
8. Juli 2021
46 Min
Über den Autor:
Andrew Richardson Addictions, Anxiety and Depression Counsellor Andrew Richardson is a therapist with truly outstanding results in over ten years of private practice. He uses a unique therapy method called Human Givens - and in his practice has developed these ideas with proven success. By keeping records of the progress of his clients, Andrew has demonstrated that he is an excellent therapist – literally one of the best. These breakthrough programmes of audios distil what Andrew has discovered works best and he knows that they will really make the difference for you. Andrew is an Intuitive Counsellor and Breakthrough specialist. The founder of Feelbetter Counselling, Andrew draws his expertise from a vast amount of experience and training. For thirty years Andrew worked as a professional economist; in Africa (Swaziland) and for the UK Treasury, then in the city of London and finally as a consultant financial economist. Andrew began his official journey into counselling and wellbeing at the beginning of the century. During this time, he studied and meditated extensively, particularly in the Buddhist tradition and studied the Enneagram Personality Typing System. This culminated in intensive Human Givens training from 2001 and he continues to utilise such skills and "tools" to help people across the world today. Andrew's quest is to assist those who seek help in living their lives with freedom and self control; bringing more harmony. In a very short space of time, Andrew has excelled in proving himself as one of the world's most truly remarkable inspirers whilst dealing with his own challenges of progressing MS (multiple sclerosis) for many years. A testament to Andrew's ability, wisdom, strength and true experience is that this has not stopped his mission and whilst his general practice of therapy is now based from his home, technology such as Skype and the digital product suites have enabled thousands of people to benefit from his skills.