Ojai 1973 Public Meetings USA

Ojai 1973 Public Meetings USA

1. Public Talk 1 Relationship without image is love Relationship means action and movement. Without understanding the totality of human relationship we live in conflict, however intimate we may be. When there is knowledge as image in relationship there is conflict. How do you observe the image you have about another? I have built an image through my interaction with you and I realise to be really related there must be no image. How am I to be free of images? How am I not to create images in relationship? How is a mind not to be hurt at all? 2. Public Talk 2 The meaning of life pleasure and fear Is life a mere struggle within and without; laborious, painful, anxious, and then death? What place has thought and what is the structure of thinking? Pleasure is the continuance of an incident which is dead, past. Thought pursues that incident which becomes pleasure. Our life is based on thought which is never new, never free, so we are slaves to the past. How is the mind to be totally, completely free of fear, not only at the conscious level but deeply? Thought sustains pleasure and fear. 3.Public Talk 3 Order love and death In our life there is very little order. Most of us conform, which is the very essence of disorder. We conform because we want to succeed inwardly or outwardly; success to us is the most important thing in life. Order and virtue come with the understanding of disorder. Why do we get educated? Is love pleasure, desire, attachment, jealousy, possessiveness? We have made love pleasure, sexual or otherwise. Why have we made sex such a colossal affair? Can there be suffering in love? What is death? Can the mind ever be free from it? What is it that dies? Questions from the audience followed the talk 4.Public Talk 4 Religion and meditation Can thought not interfere with an incident which was a delight yesterday; just leave it? The movement in harmony between the known and the unknown is creativity. This is the significance, the meaning of life. Questions from the audience followed the talk.
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Ojai 1973 Public Meetings USA
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ISBN Audio:
29. Juni 2024
5 Std 42 Min
Über den Autor:
J. Krishnamurti was an educator, author, and philosopher in the original sense of the word, a lover of truth. He did not follow any religious or philosophical tradition, but spoke for over 60 years to audiences large and small around the world on perennial questions, on meeting life as a whole. The Krishnamurti Foundations which he established maintain archives of his works and an online library of text, audio and video at jkrishnamurti.org.