- Audiobook
- 2019
- 4 hrs 6 mins
- Lynen Media GmbH
Deep Sleep in 15 minutes: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams (Deep Sleep Relaxation Series)
For a restful night's sleep, there are several phases you go through. With each phase our sleep gets deeper, our body becomes more relaxed, and our brain wave patterns slow down. We experience our deepest sleep phase when our brain enters the delta wave state. Delta sleep is the phase in which the body regenerates and rebalances itself for the new day. Getting enough sleep is therefore essential for a healthy, productive life.
The mindMAGIXX© delta sleep program developed by Patrick Lynen and renowned neuroscientists has been proven to increase delta wave activity in your brain. The program has already helped many people to find regular, restful, and revitalizing sleep.
Listen to one of the three soundscapes on a normal stereo system or via headphones whenever you want to go to sleep. Experience the spherical layers of soothing melodies, floating compositions, and natural sounds. Subliminal, low-frequency impulses in the music stimulate your delta brain waves and lead you into a natural state of delta sleep.
German relaxation expert Patrick Lynen is a pioneer in the field of audio-acoustic research. Numerous companies, health professionals, meditation groups, and individuals swear by mindMAGIXX© audio programs and their spectacular soundscapes that stimulate our brain waves and put them into a state of deep relaxation.
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Product details
Deep Sleep in 15 minutes: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams (Deep Sleep Relaxation Series)
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Publication date:
April 5, 2019
Unlocking the Power of Sleep and DreamssleepDreamsFall asleepSleep Smarter: 21 Essential Strategies to Sleep Your Way to a Better BodyBetter Healthand Bigger SuccessDeep Sleep Hypnosis: Fall Asleep Instantly and Sleep Welldoctor sleepPrecious Little Sleep: The Complete Baby Sleep Guide for Modern Parents Precious Little SleepOwn the DayOwn Your Life: Optimised Practices for WakingWorkinglearningEatingTrainingPlayingSleeping and SexHealthy Sleep HabitsDelta Sleepdelta brain wavedelta brainwavesdelta sleep audiobookrestful night's sleepsleep gets deeperbody relaxbrain wave patterns slow downbrain wavedeepest sleepdelta wave statedelta sleep phasebody regenerates and rebalancesincrease delta wave activitydelta wave activity brainsoothing melodiesfloating compositionsand natural sounds. Subliminallow-frequency impulses in the musicstimulate your delta brain wavesstimulate delta brain waveshealth professionalsmeditation groupsmind magicmindMagixmindmagicdeep relaxationprofound sleepsoundscapessleep program: Deep Sleep Relaxation Seriesaudiobook : Deep Sleep Relaxation SeriesPatrick Lynensleep disorderInsomniaaudio-acoustic researchhealing soundHealing by soundSound Healingaudio healingDeep Theta Meditationisochronicisochronic musicIsochronic Tonesisochronic tones sleepisochronic tones deep sleepdeep sleep delta wavesBrain Entrainmentbrain entrainment sleepsleep brain entrainmentmusic sleepsoundscapes sleepsleep soundnature sounds sleepsleep aidsleeping aidRelaxDe-StressSoothing SoundRain And Distant ThunderFeel tense after a long stressful daytrouble falling asleepStaying asleepRelax to soothing nature soundsCalming RainDistant ThunderstormAuthentic recording of a rainstormNATURAL relaxation and sleepreduce anxietystress and insomniaStressStress Reliefgently relaxes youfeel peace and calmrestful sleepwake up refreshedgroggy feeling in the morningsleeping medsavoids sleeping medsreal rainthunder without distracting soundsthunder clapsReliable Stress ReliefCalming Nature Sounds With MusicRelaxation MeditationDeep Sleep AudiobookSoothing New Age SoundsMusic to Calm DownThunder and rainsounds of natureRelaxing SoundsMusic for healingNature Sounds With MusicSounds of Nature for RelaxationMeditational Deep Sleep MusicRelaxation and CalmingHealing Massage Spa Sound Therapy Chakra BalancingRelaxing Nature's SoundsmindfulnessMéditation and RelaxationRelaxing Musiccalming Music relaxDeep Sleep Music for HealingYoga Nidra Relaxation for Deep SleepRelaxing Zen Tracks for MeditationCure for InsomniaHealing Sounds of NatureMusic for Better SleepCalming Background Music for Yoga PracticeMeditation Zen ReikiZen Musicreiki musicSerene Soundscapes Healing Relaxing Nature SoundsSoothing Calming Music for Fall Relaxation and MeditationMusic for Relaxation of Body and MindMusic for Deep SleepSoundscape MassageSoundscape SpaMusic Soundscape YogaRelaxing Classical MusicClassical Music for ReleaxingPiano Music for RelaxingClassical Music for RelaxationPiano and Cello RelaxationMusic for Relaxing Piano SoundsSleep Spas YogaMusic for SpaSoothing Music for YogaBest Music for Deep SleepHealing Music for MassageMassage Reiki Yoga QiGong Soothing Guitar and Cello Music For RelaxationMeditation and Well-BeingSoothing Music for Relaxation and Sleepmusic for meditationMusic Inner PeaceMusic for Meditation and Inner PeaceHealing Music for Meditation and Well BeingSerenity Music SerenitySoothing Music Ocean WavesSoothing Nature Sounds with Ocean WavesSoothing Sounds Soothing NatureMusic Soothingcalming soothing relaxing musiccalming nature musicsoothing nature musicrelaxing nature musicRelaxing Piano Music Music with Nature soundssleeping disorderSleep problemSleep soundly
4 hrs 6 mins
Product type
Audio drama:
About the author:
German relaxation expert Patrick Lynen is a pioneer in the field of audio-acoustic research. Numerous companies, health professionals, meditation groups, and individuals swear by mindMAGIXX© audio programs and their spectacular soundscapes that stimulate our brain waves and put them into a state of deep relaxation.