- Audiobook
- 2023
- 36 mins
- HypnoMed Online
Childbirth preparation with hypnosis - for HIM
Who is this hypnosis for:
If you are a soon-to-be father and already know that you will be by your partner's side in the delivery room during the birth, this hypnosis is for you.
It will support you lower your nervousness or anxiety, so that you can be relaxed, present and resourceful on this special occasion.
How it works:
A childbirth is an emotionally challenging event for a man too. As the date of the baby's arrival comes closer, also the worries of the soon-to-be father might show up.
Whether you fully embraced the idea of being "in the room" or rather decided for it out of a sense of duty, it is not unusual to have thoughts like "will things go well?", "will I be able to stay strong or will I collapse?", "will I think straight and take good decisions, if needed?", "will I be the support my partner needs?".
In moments like these, we, men, tend to simulate strength, putting up an appearance of being fearless and in control. We say to ourselves "I have to be strong for my partner". But that is not real strength and, during the event, we either completely crumble or we are so disconnected from ourselves that we are not really present with the events, with our partner, with our newly born baby.
This hypnosis offers you a different approach. Using the power of the subconscious, it puts you in contact with your inner strength (the real strength), a natural quality which is easily forgotten in situations like this. An important part of how it works is also to get you in touch with your insecurities and with the strength to accept them as they are, without feeling overwhelmed by them or weak because them.
Using this hypnosis over the course of some weeks will help you grow a sense of self-confidence. You will be able to step into that delivery room with a sense of calmness, strength and focus even if right now it seems impossible.
Only then can you truly and authentically be there for your partner to the best of your abilities and, at the same time, be connected to yourself enough to enjoy the coming into this world of your little one.
Ideal use of this hypnosis:
- start 6 weeks before the estimated date of birth, doing it weekly;
- 2 weeks before – do it every other day;
- one week before – every day.
The products sold here do not replace medical or psychological therapy. Please take your time when listening to the audio downloads and stop doing anything else that might distract you, e.g., don't use them while working or driving a car.
Yours Dr. Nidal Moughrabi
Life-Coach, MD
Hypnotherapy, NLP and Meditation Training
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Product details
Childbirth preparation with hypnosis - for HIM
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ISBN Audio:
Publication date:
April 24, 2023
36 mins
Product type
Audio drama:
About the author:
Everything needed to live a healthy life is already inside our subconscious. It is connected to our body, to our mind and to our soul and has its own contribution to diseases, as well as to health.
Being a medical doctor, I came to discover the limitations of Western medicine quite early on. I began soon to see that there was more to a failing health than just the body. I am bringing together 20 years of experience as a medical doctor and more than 15 years of experience with hypnosis and meditation, to support people heal and maintain their health through a holistic approach.
I coach people who experience health issues and seek for additional support to Western medicine diagnosis and treatment. This applies regardless of whether these issues are physical (body pain, diseases of all types) or mental (sleeplessness, loss of life energy, irritability).
The methods I am using to help people to get to the root of their discomfort and find health again are:
- hypnotic communication,
- specific hypnosis techniques and
- specific meditation methods.
"I strongly believe that all resources and capabilities to find the right solution(s) for the challenges in life are stored inside each of us. Due to the circumstances in life, it often happens that we forget these solutions or don't see them. This is why successful coaching starts where the solutions are stored … in your subconscious."
Yours Dr. Nidal Moughrabi
Life-Coach, MD
Hypnotherapy, NLP and Meditation Training