- Audiobook
- 2024
- 14 hrs 2 mins
- Lynen Media GmbH
Delta Wave & Theta Wave - Binaural Beats - Sound Healing - 2 in 1 Bundle
• Frequency-Based Neuro Sounds;
• The Future of Mental Training;
• Solfeggio Music Meets Neurotechnology;
• A Dual Delta and Theta Wave Binaural Beats Experience!
In today's fast-paced society, finding moments for calm and rejuvenation is more challenging than ever. Binaural beats have become a favored tool for many seeking to ease their minds into states of meditation or stress relief.
Our unique collection is specially designed with delta and theta wave binaural beats, aiming to facilitate deep, healing sleep, ultimate relaxation, and heightened concentration.
Enjoy over 14 hours of our meticulously crafted delta and theta wave soundscapes, offering a soothing, enjoyable, and tranquil experience you'll be eager to incorporate into your daily routine—whether you're looking to enhance your sleep quality, improve your study sessions, or boost your productivity at work. We invite you to take a step back from our busy world, put on your headphones, steady your breathing, and allow yourself to be whisked away into a pleasantly relaxed state of mind.
The listening sample contains 5 different tracks from this collection, each briefly played.
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Product details
Delta Wave & Theta Wave - Binaural Beats - Sound Healing - 2 in 1 Bundle
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Publication date:
February 28, 2024
Binaural Beats Relaxing Theta WavesHealing Binaural Beatsdelta brainwavesDeep HealingSleep SLEEPINGMusic BinauralDEEPEST Healing SleepDelta Brain WavesBenefits of Listening to Binaural BeatsTheta Brain Wavesfrequencybinaural beats for sleepSleep FoundationBinaural Beats: Sleep Therapy and MeditationSleep Waves NapSleep Waves Betabinaural beatsA Delta Wave SoundscapeSound HealingHypnosisLucid Dreaming & Restorative SleepBinaural Beats Delta Wave & Theta Wavebinaural beats therapySleep Music Binaural BeatsDelta Waves & Theta Binaural Beats10 Benefits of Theta Binaural Beats Backed by ScienceDelta binaural beatsBinaural Journey Delta / Theta / Alpha / Beta / Gamma Wave MusicBinaural Beats Sleep SoundlyHeal KarmaCleanse Negative EnergyTheta WaveTheta FrequencySleep Brain WaveMeditation Deep Sleep Music Theta Waves sound healing Powerful Theta Waves Healingdeep meditationTheta Sleep Wave BinauralBinaural Beats MusicDelta WaveBinaural Beats DElta ThetaBinaural Sound Healinghealing soundscapesspiritual momentslucid dreamingbinaural meditationTheta HealingReducing Stressbinaural soundsBinauralalternative healinghealth healingbinaural music healingHealing Musicsolfeggio musicNeowakeNeowakem neowaves
14 hrs 2 mins
Product type
Audio drama:
About the author:
• Frequency-Based Neuro Sounds;
• The Future of Mental Training;
• Solfeggio Music Meets Neurotechnology;
• A Dual Delta and Theta Wave Binaural Beats Experience!
In today's fast-paced society, finding moments for calm and rejuvenation is more challenging than ever. Binaural beats have become a favored tool for many seeking to ease their minds into states of meditation or stress relief.
Our unique collection is specially designed with delta and theta wave binaural beats, aiming to facilitate deep, healing sleep, ultimate relaxation, and heightened concentration.
Enjoy over 14 hours of our meticulously crafted delta and theta wave soundscapes, offering a soothing, enjoyable, and tranquil experience you'll be eager to incorporate into your daily routine—whether you're looking to enhance your sleep quality, improve your study sessions, or boost your productivity at work. We invite you to take a step back from our busy world, put on your headphones, steady your breathing, and allow yourself to be whisked away into a pleasantly relaxed state of mind.
The listening sample contains 5 different tracks from this collection, each briefly played.