The Beginning and the End of Everything

The Beginning and the End of Everything

'Prepare to have your mind blown! A brilliantly written overview of the past, present and future of modern cosmology.' – DALLAS CAMPBELL, author of Ad Astra The Beginning and the End of Everything is the whole story as we currently understand it – from nothing, to the birth of our universe, to its ultimate fate. Authoritative and engaging, Paul Parsons takes us on a rollercoaster ride through billions of light years to tell the story of the Big Bang, from birth to death. 13.8 billion years ago, something incredible happened. Matter, energy, space and time all suddenly burst into existence in a cataclysmic event that's come to be known as the Big Bang. It was the birth of our universe. What started life smaller than the tiniest subatomic particle is now unimaginably vast and plays home to trillions of galaxies. The formulation of the Big Bang theory is a story that combines some of the most far-reaching concepts in fundamental physics with equally profound observations of the cosmos. From our realization that we are on a planet orbiting a star in one of many galaxies, to the discovery that our universe is expanding, to the groundbreaking theories of Einstein that laid the groundwork for the Big Bang cosmology of today – as each new discovery deepens our understanding of the origins of our universe, a clearer picture is forming of how it will all end. Will we ultimately burn out or fade away? Could the end simply signal a new beginning, as the universe rebounds into a fresh expanding phase? And was our Big Bang just one of many, making our cosmos only a small part of a sprawling multiverse of parallel universes?
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Product details
The Beginning and the End of Everything
Fabely Genre:
ISBN Audio:
Publication date:
October 31, 2018
8 hrs 8 mins
Product type
Audio drama:
About the author:
Dr Paul Parsons was formerly a theoretical cosmologist at the University of Sussex, developing models to explain how the microphysics of the Big Bang determined the large-scale structure of the universe today. Now a science journalist and author, he has contributed articles to the Guardian, the Daily Telegraph and New Scientist, and has also served both as editor of the award-winning BBC science magazine Focus and as managing editor of BBC Sky at Night magazine. His previous books include The Periodic Table, How to Destroy the Universe, The Science of Doctor Who (longlisted for the 2007 Royal Society Prize for Science Books) and 30-Second Theories: The 50 Most Thought-provoking Theories in Science.