Spherical Sounds as Perfect Background Music for Wellness Areas – A Hamac for the Soul

Spherical Sounds as Perfect Background Music for Wellness Areas – A Hamac for the Soul

Spherical Sounds as Perfect Background Music for Wellness Areas – A Hamac for the Soul: Wellness, Meditation, Sauna, Yoga, Spa, Ayurveda Fascinating sounds create a unique sound environment for relaxation and meditation, for movie sound tracks or background music. The recordings provide extreme high fidelity and excellent high-end mastering. "Hamac for the Soul" has a truly amazing effect on the body. The soft mix of dreamlike music and soft natural sounds allows us to rest and completely let go. It lowers the heart rate and deeply relaxes body and mind. Content: • 1. Spherical Sounds for all Wellness Areas (Meditation, Hypnosis, Sauna, Yoga, Spa, Ayurveda, Hotel, Massage) • 2. Local Natural Sounds: Calm Forest Atmosphere with soft Bird Songs at a Pond in the Vulcanic Eifel. Dive into the world of boundless relaxation.
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Patrick Lynen is one of the leading experts and bestseller-author of numerous books on personality development. He develops and creates exciting materials and courses. Seminars, books & audiobooks that touch, inspire and sustainably change the lives of many people.