The Truht Is in Love

The Truht Is in Love

The narrative is based on real events during the unification of Spain. Spain, led by Ferdinand the Second and Isabella of Castile, soared to the height of its power. The policy of the cunning king bore rich fruit. The whole country was taken away from the king of Portugal. By deceit the southern fiefdoms were cut off from France. The master of southern Europe and northern Africa he - King Ferdinand, or rather by his hands and the instruction of Isabella, brought out of slumber and made all-powerful "Manu interpida" - the Inquisition. And now this mechanism was bringing into the king's treasury, first one-third, and now more than two-thirds of all the confiscated goods. And henceforth no one, whether grandee, marquis, or prince, could feel safe. Forsaken, beware - they are coming for you! Young Merinda, who did not wish to become Esteban Junior's mistress, was thrown into prison. Esteban the elder - the second man after the king - so wished. The sentence is ready, all that is left is to disfigure the maiden and then burn her at the stake. But something goes wrong. Fernando, an incorruptible knight of the Hospitaller Order, is in charge of the case. An obvious lie, not proof of guilt. All turn against Fernando the Inquisitor. Fernando has no choice but to save the girl at the cost of his career and even his life. He flees from pursuit along with Merinda. The couple is put on the wanted list. Whoever shelters or helps the fugitives ends up behind bars himself. The new inquisitor hires an assassin to find and kill the fugitives without publicity. The former favourite of the King of Spain, the Countess of Alba, writes a letter to his Highness and admits that she bore his daughter in secret. She asks the King for help in finding her daughter who has disappeared. The King entrusts his confidant, the Marquis Diego, with the task. The Marquis finds the trail - the King and Countess´ daughter is none other than Merinda! The King dismisses the false accusation. But the Inquisition's Purgatory flywheel is unwound. Merinda and Fernando are driven into the mountains and their doom is certain. The pair stand on a precipice above a precipice. The crossbowmen have them in their sights. The Marquis gets there in time. He stops the execution. He untwists the chain of false witnesses. This leads him to plot against the king. He writes a letter to the king and sends it with a messenger. On the way the messenger stops for a drink of water and water for his horse. He is killed by an assassin hired by the Inquisition. He reads the letter and sells it to the conspirators. He then sells the information to the Marquis that the conspirators have intercepted the letter. The Marquis learns through his agents that Admiral Esteban and his goons have followed the trail of Merinda and Fernando and wish to kill everyone. The plot is averted. The King accepts a payoff from the repentant accomplices. It turns out the murderer is not dead from the poison, seeking a meeting with the Marquis for revenge. Such a moment arrives. The Marquis is stunned. A lung is punctured. Merinda dismisses the court physicians. She saves the Marquis´ life herself with the help of herbal infusions and extracts of mould. Merynda is slandered by the physicians as a sorceress. The Queen throws the young Countess into prison. The King himself is powerless against the Queen. Merinda´s death is imminent. But then, passing through the cheering crowd of the townspeople, the King is tried to be killed by his old hater. The wound seems trifling. But after twenty-four hours, the king is taken ill and falls into unconsciousness. The queen realises that the court physicians are powerless, and so are the prayers. She decides to enlist Merinda's help. Nothing is more important to the king's daughter than saving her father's life. Two weeks later, the king is back on his feet. The queen is pleased with the king's recovery, but still wants to get rid of Merinda...
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The Truht Is in Love
narrado por:
Género Fabely:
ISBN de audio:
Fecha de publicación:
14 de diciembre de 2022
Palabras clave:
orphan boy audiobookplague audiobookQueen Isabella of Spain audiobookrat poison audiobookrat poisoning audiobookrevenge audiobooksave the king audiobookcapture the ship audiobooktavern brawl audiobookroyal hunt audiobooktorture of the inquisition audiobooktorture of a witch audiobooktrap audiobookwild boar audiobookvenal prosecutor audiobookone love audiobookking and queen audiobookking ferdinand spanish audiobookchivalry audiobooklandslide in the mountains audiobooklate love audiobooklove came audiobookmedieval audiobooknaval battles audiobookone life audiobookdating in a cathedral audiobookwoman's dream audiobooknight battle audiobookgray cardinal audiobookbishop patron audiobookbandit attack audiobooknight robbery audiobookassassin order audiobookcandlelight dinner audiobookromantic encounter audiobookgenerous gift audiobookblood feud audiobookcount and lovers audiobookbetrayed friend audiobookpoisoned drink audiobookpoisoned tea audiobookbrave pirate audiobookland love audiobooksex slave audiobookfirst sex audiobookwomankind audiobookgenerous lover audiobookhand to hand combat audiobooksaber fighting audiobookseizing a ship audiobookmedieval horrors audiobookescape from the tower audiobookking ferdinand audiobookking's mistress audiobookking's detective audiobookking's illegitimate daughter audiobookorphan boy listenplague listenqueen of spain isabella listenrat poison listenrat poisoning listenvengeance listensave the king listencapture the ship listenfight in the tavern listenroyal hunting listentorture of the inquisition listenwitch torture listentrap listenwild boar listencorrupt prosecutor listenone love listenking and queen listenking ferdinand spanish listenchivalry listenlandslide in the mountains listenlate love listenlove came listenmedieval listennaval battles listenone life listendating in the cathedral listenwoman's dream listennight battle listengray cardinal listenbishop patron listenbandits attack listennight robbery listenkiller order listendinner by candlelight listenromantic meeting listengenerous gift listenblood feud listenearl and lovers listenbetrayed friend listenpoisoned drink listenpoisoned tea listenbrave pirate listenground love listensex slave listenfirst sex listenwoman's lover listengenerous lover listenhand-to-hand fight listensaber fight listenship hijacking listenmedieval horrors listenescape from the tower listenking ferdinand listenking's mistress listenking's detective listenking's illegitimate daughter listenillegitimate daughter listenorphan boyplaguequeen isabella of spainrat poisonrat poisoningRevengesave the kingship hijackingtavern fightroyal huntinquisition torturewitch torturetrapwild boarcorrupt prosecutorone loveking and queenking ferdinand of spainchivalrylandslide in the mountainslate lovelove camemedieval timesnaval battlesone lifedating in a cathedralwoman's dreamnight battlegray cardinalbishop patronbandit attacknight robberyassassin's ordercandlelit dinnerromantic encountergenerous giftblood feudcount and loversbetrayed friendpoisoned drinkpoisoned teabrave pirateland lovesex slavefirst sexwifely lovergenerous loverhand-to-hand combatsaber combatmedieval horrorstower escapeking ferdinandking's mistressking's sleuthking's illegitimate daughterillegitimate daughter
12 hrs 19 min
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Sobre el autor:
My name is Sergei Zhuravlev. I am a free-loving Ukrainian. The main motive behind my writings is to give readers and listeners the pleasure of my publicist work. If it were not for the material, technical, and military aid of our friends, it is hard to imagine what would have happened to civilization. More than a quarter of Ukraine's businesses were destroyed or occupied by Russian invaders. I, like many of my countrymen, was left without work. My only hope is in you, my grateful readers and listeners; it is for this urgent reason that I have continued my writing more energetically. I hope you won't be too picky about the inaccuracies of the broadcast. I just don't have the money for an editor and proofreader. Although, if I have some spare money, with your help, perhaps I can improve my books. Briefly about myself: I was born on 29. 10. 1958 in Lugansk, Ukraine. Lulled by Soviet propaganda, as a volunteer, 1st class sergeant, I took part in the liberation of Afghans from insidious imperialism,... Elimination of the Chernobyl accident, 1986 - commander of a special company. Gorbachev's perestroika. In 1987 mentally sent the Soviet system and all communists to the afterlife... One of the first to engage in free business in the disintegrating empire of Rashism. Some of the things described in my books are based on real events from my life and the lives of my friends and acquaintances. All my free time from work and leisure time I devote to communication, reading and creativity. I love playing hockey. I love fishing. I like windsurfing, yachting and diving. I love hunting. Not only that, but I love drag racing. I love my kids, I have three of them. I love my grandchildren, as of today I have eight of them. I love the Earth and the Earthlings. I hate dictatorship and dictators, fascism, racism and Putin's racism. In the first weeks of the Rashists' attack on Ukraine, as a senior reserve officer, I organized and participated in the territorial defense near Bila Tserkva, near Kiev. My motto: Propaganda in any form should be banned. And most importantly - Peace without Borders! To those who read these lines I express my sincere respect and wish you health and financial well-being. If you have a desire to communicate with me, I would be happy to do so. If you are a native speaker and want to help me proofread the text, I will be very grateful. My e-mail: If my reader would like to purchase a printed version of my novel, I am willing to send it to you. Because of the barbaric attack of the Rashists on my country, Ukraine, my family and I are in a very difficult financial situation. Women and small children are forced to become refugees... If you would like to make a donation to support my art and my family. I will gladly accept your help.