Water Crystal Healing: Music to Restore Your Well-Being

Water Crystal Healing: Music to Restore Your Well-Being

For centuries, mankind has turned to classical or spiritual music for its calming and relaxing effects. Internationally acclaimed scientists discovered why certain music has healing benefits: Music with the appropriate rhythm, tempo, tone, and melody can correct distorted frequencies within our cells, assisting our health and healing. In this unique collection (XXL-Bundle), you will experience music to be beneficial for common physical and emotional imbalances. Listen to the musical pieces while enjoying natural water sounds. The possible benefits you may experience include decreased joint and back pain; improved function of the nervous, circulatory, lymphatic, and immune systems; and the release of negative emotions such as anxiety, self-pity, and depression. The combination of nature sounds and peaceful music concentrates consciousness as never before, providing a unique experience for healing. Use the power of sound to bring balance, relaxation, and a sense of well-being to your mind, body, and spirit. This unique collection gives you: • A strong feeling of peace so you can distance yourself from the issues in your life, allowing you to rise above them • Keys to melt the stress away from your mind • Water sounds that ring at just the right frequency to fill you with calm, peace, and intuition • Control over your mental environment and your state of mind • Soothing sounds that aid in meditation, causing a better result for you and those around you • Perfect soundscapes for heart-brain coherence according to Dr. Joe Dispenza • XXL-Music for Wellness, Zen, Reiki, Yoga, Massage, QiGong, Energy Work, for letting go, relaxing, and healing • So much more! What you get: 23 fascinating soundscapes with a total running time of 900+ (!!!) minutes: Healing Sounds for Spiritual Moments, Meditation & Relaxation. Music for Your Body, Mind and Soul. The tracks are so relaxing that most people are calm after just a few seconds. Are you ready to effortlessly free yourself from the anxieties of stress - anytime, anywhere? Then buy this audiobook today - and immerse yourself in a world of limitless relaxation.
About the author:
David S. Halpern is considered one of the founding fathers of new-age music. Enjoy the mystical powers of his compositions. The pulsating sounds allow the body to vibrate in resonance which supports self-healing processes and letting go of tension.